Deana Patakovic


I often ask myself whether an artist is actually a hunter? A person of intuition, a man collecting scattered ideas, someone who unerringly hits that special place where the emotions grow and where dramatic catharsis begins…
It is said and written that Diana, or Deana, is the goddess of hunting. When someone has that name, her roads are already marked as well as mortal souls she is to hunt after.
When Deana Patakovic instead of bow and arrow uses the chords of her piano, her instrument lets out special sounds, colours and scents that make the world stop. Deana is a skillful hunter who knows how to search and how to find the right “note” which makes the heart tremble and an eye to glitter. That is the way I feel and am looking forward to the moment when I share with the others the same feeling – those of a person captured by the spell of her music.
Konstantin Babic
Composer, writer and professor
Deana Patakovic - Biography
Deana Patakovic was born in Belgrade where she began her studies with Professor Mirjana Suica Babic achieving a Master’s in Art – Pianist in 1991 as the best musician of her generation ( with a top score 10 of 10 in all the subjects).
She continued her studies in London with Professor John Bingham ( Trinity College ), Kendall Taylor (Royal College of Music ) and in Paris with Françoise Buffet ( Ecole normale de musique ).
At the same time she started her
international career as a concert pianist – more than 700 concerts in former Yugoslavia, Italy, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Russia, Kuwait, Eritrea and Jordan. She performed as a soloist with all Serbian Symphony Orchestras, Jordan Symphony Orchestra and the Prague Philharmonia ( Murtenclassics festival in 2007, music conductor Thomas Rösner ).
In October 2012 she was an invited music artist at the Victoria Hall for the Award Ceremony Martin Ennals.
Deana was teaching as a Piano Professor at the highest level of musical training at the Music Faculty, University of Arts of Belgrade ( 1992-2008 ), and afterwards in Geneva at the Institute Jaques Dalcroze.
She recorded three CDs with music by Scarlatti, Beethoven, Liszt,
Scriabine, Albeniz, Ravel, Fridrich Nietzsche and Serbian composers ( available also in the iTunes ).
Concerts à venir

Fête de la musique 2023
Duo Piano Guitare
Lieu: Agrippa
Date: samedi 24 juin 2023 à 20h

Concerts passés
Fête de la musique
24 juin 2023 à 20h
Fête de la musique
Salle des Abeilles
25 juin 2022 à 16h40
Festival de piano de Genève 2021
Duo Piano Guitare
Deana Patakovic, piano & Manuel Osorio Doren, guitar
Infos & programme
Programme de piano solo:
Balakirev/Glinka, Khatschaturian,
Tchaikovsky & compositeurs serbes
Programme de duo:
Gnattali et Casteluovo-Tedesco
jeudi 2 septembre 2021, à 20h
Lyceum Club International – 3 Promenade du Pin, Genève
Duo Piano Guitare
Piano – Deana Patakovic, Guitar – Manuel Osorio Doren
Samedi 10 juillet 2021, à 12h30
Église évangélique luthérienne de Genève
Rue Verdaine 20
1204 Genève
Samedi 19 juin 2021, à 15h
Fête de la musique – Genève
Cour de la Société de Lecture
Au programme: F. Tavolaro, R.Gnattali, M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Glinka/Balakirev, C. Debussy
Piano et Guitare
29 juillet 2019 à 12h30
Église Luthérienne
Rue Verdaine 20
Fête de la musique, Genève
Salle des Abeilles
24 Juin 2018, à 16h15
Au programme:
Mokranjac, Debussy, Chopin, Albeniz
Fête de la musique
21 juin 2019 à 20h10
Cour de la Société de Lecture
11, Grand Rue
Beograd 15 april 2019
Narodno pozorište, scena Raša Plaović
Svečano otvaranje Festivala